Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exhaustion Max

Just The Standard Amount of Insanity

Usually I am busy. It used to be socially. It used to be the standard MO to finish work at 5pm, have coffee with one friend, and dinner and a film with another. Saturdays were split into sessions of three different meals and a drinking session, with four different groups of friends.

These days, it is not friends that are vacuuming all my time, but its All About School.

As we know, I was 16 hours of hard labour on Sat night. And that is enough to make you feel like you've devoted all the precious hours of the weekend to the Factory with nowt to show for it. (In fact, I think it works out to be about $18 an hour before tax, which is not NEARLY enough to be putting up with that kind of shit)

Monday was the union meeting that I am still not quite sure why I am in, other than it scoots me out of the house for a while.

Sure, I have put my hand up for a few extra shifts at The Boy Factory. I didn't NEED to do the 6-10pm shift last night, but I did. The thought occurred to me late in the afternoon that had The Other Deputy asked me to do the gig after the events of Sat night I would have emphatically declined. But I powered on through and did the shift. And if was fine! The kids (possibly still a little scared of me from Saturday night) were pretty much angels.

And the tutoring of The Private School Girl isn't really a factor in the scheduling of things at The Boy Factory, but that's what I did between knock off and clock on yesterday. She got 92% in her assessment. I am money well spent!

Tonight, I have only the social to contend with (along with the usual amount of planning and marking bullshit). Yet still one of my Year 10 creatures asked me to come down and help them with their assessments. I laughed a little too loudly. And politely declined.

And Thursday will bring with it Soccer Training with my under 13 wunderkinds. It is still too hot for soccer training. I am handing it over to my CoCoach this week. I'm too tired to keep being the brains of the operation.

Hopefully before I jump in the car for Wedding #3 of 2009, I might get a chance for a power kip!

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