Saturday, March 7, 2009

25 Pretty Boring Things About Moi (meme)

1. I spend way too much time on Facebook. And I don't know why, really. Maybe it is because I feel a little isolated out here in West Bubblefuck.

2. I live in West Bubblefuck (Tamworth). With my parents. Again. I am grateful that I am able to live with my parents. But at the same time, I kind of wish I wasn't.

3. I am aiming to not be living with my parents by the time I am 30. Giving me 1 year and 4 weeks to sort it out.

4. While I don't much like to admit it, I can be a bit of a control freak. It has put my friendships in jeapordy in the past, and I hope it never will again.

5. I spent NYE in Cooper Park in Sydney, almost seeing the fireworks and laughing about high fives.

6. I don't wear the colour white. Not that I don't think I look hot in white, its just that I am total grot and I spill stuff on myself all the time. Other colours hide it better.

7. I do wear a lot of red. And own a lot of red things. Red wasn't always my favourite colour, but now...

8. I get annoyed by people who say that it is cruel to eat animals, but then wear leather shoes. Or pants.

9. I often have a dream about going and buying a CD (not the same CD, I have had this dream about a number of different specific CDs, most recently, Funeral by Arcade Fire) and then I wake up in the morning all excited because I now own it, and I go to put it on, and I am bitterly disappointed that I don't actually own it. I do now own Funeral by Arcade Fire

10. Lots of my friends live in places all around the world. I miss them heaps.

11. I am a total sucker for an Irish accent.

12. I am a teacher. And I love it. But I am really pleased that I did other stuff before I became a teacher.

13. I haven't played basketball in 7 years.

14. I am the newly appointed coach of the under 13s football team at Farrer. I also have long winded arguments with my Year 8 class about what the correct name for the sport is. I maintain that if you play it almost exclusively with your feet, then it should be called football. Not that I have anything against league, union, afl or grid iron, I just don't think they should be called football.

15. I am averaging an attendance rate of 3 weddings a year, and have done for the last 4 years. So far I have been to 2 this year, with the 3rd coming up in a few weeks.

16. Despite the fact that it is a total shit box, needing a new starter motor, new tires and a bloody good clean, I love my car, Henry.

17. I think I might be developing an alergy to alcohol. the last 2 times I have been drinking I have felt desperately ill. And only last August I was able to drink like someone at a festival (funny that). Maybe I am only allergic to alcohol when I am in the southern hemisphere.

18. Even though my occupation involves me telling kids not to swear and to spell words correctly I am terribly bad at both of these things.

19. I have a fairly unshakable addiction to purchasing DVDs. Especially TV series on DVD. It's shameless. (which coincidentally is the name of one that i bought online this afternoon)

20. I have been accused of having a dirty mind. I wouldn't like to pass judgement on that accusation, but I do seem to have skills in interpreting double endentres where there are none.

21. I loved living in the UK. And I miss it heaps. But not enough to move back there.

22. Late last year I became quite obsessed with Life On Mars. The British TV show (as opposed to the US TV show or the Bowie song). But I don't really care for the plight of Sam Tyler or the blossoming relationship between Annie and DC Tyler. It is all about Gene Hunt. The man is the modern... no, wait, the main the the 70s version of Mr Darcy. In almost everyway.

23. I am really bad at telling my left from my right, especially in high pressure situations.

24. I have an almost crippling fear of rodents

25. I hate it when someone says "Good girl" to me. Kinda makes me stabby.

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