Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Real Resolutions

As opposed to my Reading Resolutions, discussed here.

Each new year, I try to nail down 5 promises to myself to make my life better. Five, because if I accomplish 3 then I am going pretty well. The 5 resolutions need to be realistic, achievable, quantifyable and positive. I also try to have them nailed down by the 5th of Jan, but I am running a little behind schedule.

So here goes:

1. Do not buy any more shoes in 2011. The year '11 may be the year of the legs, according to bingo, but my collection of footwear is vast and varied. Especially when it comes to red mary-janes. So I promise myself, and my wallet, and the corner of my bedroom where the shoes get chucked (and all the other corners where they invariably end up) that I will not NOT purchase a new pair - unless one of the Essentials On High Rotation gets broken and needs replacing. This means no browsing in shoe shops, no gravitational pull to the shoe section of department stores. No shoes in 2011.

2. Write 52 blog entries for 2011. An average of 1 a week. Last year, being the first year of Mum to 110 meant that This Here Record Of Ramblings was somewhat ignored, especially towards the end of the year. And writing feels good. Not just teaching people about writing, but clarifying my own opinions into the crystal clarity of words on a screen. Edging out my own little dialogue with the e-ther. Plus, as KidsTheseDays put it, it is good for a teacher to be a practitioner - to practise what I am preaching. Of course, this year I am already off to a good start, and holiday times should help my averages!

3. Sweat an average of 3 times a week. Not really for weight loss, more because my brain, my body and my emotions are always much more rational when getting a regular sweat on. Gym, swim, bball with The Flames. I reckon I can get 3 times a week of getting my heart rate up to sweating.

4. Get my spots checked. This should only take a moment, or half an hour at max, but checking that my skin is cancer free, for someone as dotty as me, is actually really important. I just have to face my boy-like fear of the medical potential for Nasty Truth and get someone to examine my skin.

5. $100 a week in savings. Living at The Boy Factory should allow me to save more cash than I do. So it is time to make a concerted effort. I set up a savings account last year, and it is really time for me to use it.

I will have to try to do an assessment of progress throughout the year, but now it has been written, it cannot be escaped! The pressure of the internet compels me to try!


  1. Yeeah!! Great resolutions Danne!
    But I do think you should reward yourself with some new Mary Jane's once you hit the 6 months mark.

    x K

  2. Are you crazy??? NO SHOES??? How about no RED shoes? Then you're guaranteed three and a half completed resolutions. No? xx

  3. Girls, I know it isn't really to be expected. But the shoe cupboard/corner/shelves are full to an efficient delicacy. In fact, some might say the pile(s) is(are) becoming a touch unruly. Possibly there may be an audit mid year to assess what I have and haven't worn. But really, my collection is resplendant, and the shoes I have deserve more attention than they get. Handbags, scarves, belts and brooches will still be getting some detailed examination thought. This is not shopping starvation!
