Monday, January 3, 2011

Echo Point?

Sometimes I link to this blog on my stalkbook page. Sometimes I link to it from my twitter. Occasionally I will include the longwinded address as my own personal URL. Mostly to increase traffic to this site.

But I don't really know why I am writing it. Writing this blog (as can be seen in the list of how many entries have been  made in the last 6 months) often gets relegated if I am too busy or too brain-fried to find the words. There are umpteen posts written in my brain about books I have read, and films I have seen, and records I  have heard. But getting the fingers to do the tapping before my witty and insightful commentary has evaporated from my brainbox is a dilemma I have been trying to deal with.

And I don't really know who I have got reading it, and whether or not I am writing it to be read, or writing it to see my own words in pixels on the screen, some kind of narcissistic public navel gazing. But I do like to think that there is someone out there reading my whimsy.

So if you do read here occasionally, feel free to share your opinion of my own unsolicited opinion. Feel free to tell me that I am way off the mark in my appraisal of all things Sherlock, or overthinking Harry Potter way too much. Or that my fixation with Mr Darcy and his recurrence in all modern pop culture is purely in my imagination. Or maybe you DO agree that all television, cinema, literature and trash needs to be pulled apart, and my assertions are right on the money? I guess I am looking for an answer to all of this opinion that I am hurling into the gorge of cyber-space, rather than just getting a hollow echo of my own words bouncing back at me.

Here endeth the self-flogging.


  1. I know what you mean Danne. Every time I update my blog I oscillate between vowing to update it more frequently and wondering why the heck I update at all... Feels so self-indulgent sometimes. Does the internet really need my opinion on anything or to know I am contemplating starting (followed almost immediately with quitting) jogging for the millionth time? But then I figure the people reading are either friends (or cyber friends) or people who are bored at work and looking for any kind of distraction...

    Either way, I usually decide I like having a document that contains all the things that have made me happy or at least made me think over the past few years. But I really like it when people stop by to visit too.

    You can install a hit counter on your blog you know? It doesn't tell you who's reading but it will at least tell you people are! Like me for one. Keep it up, lady.


  2. Ms Danne!!!

    Damn. I just spend the last hour writing a heartfelt, inspiring, well constructed reply that would have done Supercouch proud and then i lot it in a clustermash of final touching and Bonus Material. Boo blogspot for no auto save.

    Super succinct version.

    Additional reasons why Ms Danne can blog.

    1. As an English Teacher, this blog is a great example of good Style. Practice what you preach.

    2. An artistic Practice could be the greatest gift to you burgeoning dramatical students / artists. (super happy news!)

    3. How good is Australianness? It comes through the writing, and this i miss. Check out the pictures.

    4. How good is Little Voice in my head? Deeper here than a passing FB. Better for binging. e.g. would not know about the drama class otherwise. I'm super happy/excited re this. :D

    Your style and context shines through in these posts. From the other side of the world, that's a little bit special.

    Do it for yourself, do it for your students and do it for fellow navel gazes who are too busy looking down to pick up the phone. Every now and again we'll look up on Stalkweb and connect. And that's worth it.

    love love love!



  3. Thanks K & K, you've crystalised a great deal of the mashed potato of thoughts I was trying to wade through!!

