Saturday, May 30, 2009


Nigella has catapaulted the phrase Domestic Goddess into the modern vernacular. And I love the chick. Except for her Twinings ads, which, quite frankly, shit me no end.

I don't even OWN this book. But dammit, I wish I did. Something about the warmer weather makes me want to melt chocolate, preheat ovens, grease pans and lick the bowl. Kind of makes me want to be even more like the ever fabulous Tori. And decorated cupcakes make me feel so feminine. Which is something that doesn't happen all too often, truth be told.

So last weekend was a monstrosity that didn't really work out. Sure the triple chocolate brownies TASTED good, but seeing as I forgot to put the sugar in (and so pulled out the tray after it had been in there for 8 minutes aleady, and attempted to stir through caster sugar... didn't work out so well) they were pretty darn amazing. Simultaneously not good enough but too good to share with my Year 12 boys at The Factory. But very good it you cut into small pieces (like a quarter of a normal

Today, as the cold weather finally descends on West Bubblefuck (not that I have been wanting it to arrive, but it is better to suffer than anticipate the suffering. Or so my inner martyr says), the days are more suited to stirring and ovens than really most anything else. So today it is ANZAC biscuits. With Macadamias in. The recipe has been dubbed ANZMacs. Mum reckons it is a natural evolution in Australian cuisine.

Please excuse the dodgy pic. Camera is flat and phone is less than ideal

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